Answering some questions to better understand the behavior of optimoptions.
Although the answers have been discussed in [1], I am pasting some examples for clarity.
*I was using the terms solver/algorithm in the wrong context before. Solver names are functions such as lsqnonlin, fmincon, etc. and one solver can have multiple algorithms such as interior-point, lev-mar, etc. *
1) Is there an error or warning if optimoptions is used to assign an option not contained in the specified algorithm?
If the option belongs to a different algorithm of the solver, Matlab stores it as options "not" used by the current algorithm so if we change the algorithm to which the option belongs, we do not need to set it again.
For eg. The default algorithm of lsqnonlin is trust-region-reflective but when I try to set the option 'ScaleProblem' which is specific to 'levenberg-marquardt' algorithm, I get:
opts = optimoptions ('lsqnonlin', 'ScaleProblem', 'Jacobian')
opts =
lsqnonlin options:
Options used by current Algorithm ('trust-region-reflective'):
(Other available algorithms: 'levenberg-marquardt')
Set by user:
No options set by user.
opts =
lsqnonlin options:
Options used by current Algorithm ('trust-region-reflective'):
(Other available algorithms: 'levenberg-marquardt')
Set by user:
No options set by user.
Algorithm: 'trust-region-reflective'
DerivativeCheck: 'off'
. .
. .
. .
. .
TolX: 1.0000e-06
Show options not used by current Algorithm ('trust-region-reflective')
Set by user:
ScaleProblem: 'jacobian'
This gives the same result using dot notation:
opts = optimoptions ('lsqnonlin')
opts.ScaleProblem = 'Jacobian'
2) ... or to assign an option that does not exist in the specified solver or any solver?
This gives an error. Trying to set the option for SQP Algorithm, which is not used by lsqnonlin:
opts=optimoptions('lsqnonlin', 'MaxSQPIter', 100)
Error using optimoptions
'MaxSQPIter' is not an option for LSQNONLIN
using dot notation:
opts.MaxSQPIter = 100;
No public field MaxSQPIter exists for class optim.options.Lsqnonlin.
No public field MaxSQPIter exists for class optim.options.Lsqnonlin.
3) If options are transfered to a different solver with optimoptions, are there errors or warnings if the new solver does not have some of these options?
No errors or warnings. The options common to both solvers are copied. They could be options of different algorithms. For eg.
opts = optimoptions ('fmincon', 'Algorithm', 'sqp', 'TolX', 1e-10)
opts_lsq = optimoptions ('lsqnonlin', opts)
Options set in opts_lsq are:
PrecondBandWidth: 0
TolX: 1.0000e-10
The option PrecondBandwidth belongs to the trust-region algorithm of fmincon solver.
Another option copied from opts in opts_lsq belongs to the lev-mar algorithm of lsqnonlin. It is the stored option as mentioned in 1)
ScaleProblem: 'none'
No errors or warnings. The options common to both solvers are copied. They could be options of different algorithms. For eg.
opts = optimoptions ('fmincon', 'Algorithm', 'sqp', 'TolX', 1e-10)
opts_lsq = optimoptions ('lsqnonlin', opts)
Options set in opts_lsq are:
PrecondBandWidth: 0
TolX: 1.0000e-10
The option PrecondBandwidth belongs to the trust-region algorithm of fmincon solver.
Another option copied from opts in opts_lsq belongs to the lev-mar algorithm of lsqnonlin. It is the stored option as mentioned in 1)
ScaleProblem: 'none'
4) Can options returned by optimoptions be used with optimset, and vice versa?
This returns an error in both cases:
This returns an error in both cases:
opts = optimoptions ('lsqnonlin','MaxIter',100);
opts = optimset (opts, 'TolX', 1e-6);
Error using optimset
Cannot use OPTIMSET to alter options created using OPTIMOPTIONS.
opts = optimset (opts, 'TolX', 1e-6);
Error using optimset
Cannot use OPTIMSET to alter options created using OPTIMOPTIONS.
opts = optimset ('TolX', 1e-6);
opts = optimoptions ('lsqnonlin', opts);
Error using optimoptions
Invalid option name specified. Provide a string (such as 'Display').