Thursday, 27 August 2015

Wrapping up

So, the GSoC period has come to an end now.

Project Goals  
My project was about creating Matlab compatible wrappers for the optim package.  Here is a brief list of my project goals.

1- lsqnonlin wrapping nonlin_residmin and residmin_stat
2- lsqcurvefit wrapping nonlin_curvefit and curvefit_stat
3- nlinfit wrapping nonlin_curvefit (it was initially decided to wrap leasqr but changed to avoid extra computations)
4- quadprog wrapping __qp__ instead of qp and returning lambda in the form of a structure as in Matlab
5- fmincon wrapping nonlin_min
6- Test and demos for the above functions
7- Stretch goals: previously decided to create other missing functions or perhaps additional backends but before midterm I decided instead to include optimoptions in my to do list.

The functions lsqnonlinlsqcurvefit and nlinfit are complete with tests and demos and integrated in the optim package. Since nlinfit is from the statistics package in Matlab, additional functions such as statset, statget were required for handling options. These functions are implemented with minor modifications in optimset, optimget and __all_opts__ as statset, statget and __all_stat_opts__ and are now a part of optim package.

The function quadprog required directly wrapping __qp__ instead of qp for the ordering of lambda. It is in the final stages of review and will soon be integrated.

fmincon has not been thoroughly reviewed yet. I will send it to Olaf after quadprog is committed to optim. 

Hiccups in the stretch goal
I couldn't create optimoptions in the GSoC time frame because it was a bit open ended and I had to come up with an object oriented design for the function. I was trying to understand how Matlab implements it for quite some time. Anyway, I didn't pursue it further and shifted my focus on the refinement of my almost complete functions to get them integrated in optim.  

Interesting Takeaways
This is my first experience of working with any open source organization and it's definitely a pleasant one. It's delightful to see people using my functions and possibly benefiting from my work [2-3]. :)

I think I have managed to meet all the goals I set before the start of GSoC. (Regrets? Well, I could have saved more time for optimoptions and it would've been better to discuss it way before than being stuck for a while.)

I'm extremely grateful to the Octave community, especially my mentors Olaf Till and Nir Krakauer for their unrelenting support. GSoC wouldn't have been possible without their constructive feedback. I have learned a lot from this experience.


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Week 11 and 12: Integrating existing work in optim package.

A recap of the progress in two weeks:

  • I had to let go of optimoptions (for GSoC) mainly because of
    • time constraints 
    • and also because I don't have much experience with objected oriented programming. For optimoptions, I will have to come up with a design. I started with class implementation using classdef as in Matlab, but it is in its infancy in Octave and it could possibly be a limiting factor.
  • I am refining my existing functions and including tests and demos so they can be integrated in the optim package.
    • lsqnonlin and lsqcurvefit required additional options documentation and OutputFcn and Display setting. These two functions have now been successfully integrated in the optim package. [1]
    • Functions nlinfit and quadprog are under review.
    • I am working on fmincon now. Still have to discuss which backend should be used. lm_feasible can return Lagrange multipliers, gradient and hessian, but since it adheres to the constraints in all iterations, it behaves differently (from Matlab's algos) and sometimes less efficiently as octave_sqp, which only respects the constraints for the final result.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Week 10: Preliminary work on optimoptions

Thoroughly checking how optimoptions works in  Matlab.

options = optimoptions (SolverName)

Things to do:

  • Identify if Solver name is the right string or function handle

  • Cater for multiple Algorithms
     A subset of options for different algorithms.
  • Transfer relevant options of different solvers to modify/create option.
    oldoptions = optimoptions('fmincon','TolX',1e-10)
    newoptions = optimoptions('lsqnonlin',oldoptions)
  • Using dot notation or optimoptions to modify previously created options.
    (Second argument in optimoptions can be old options)
  • Display options:
    Set by user on top (for the current algo)
    Default options
    Options set for other algorithms.
Implementation ideas:

In Matlab, these two calls generate the same options object optim.options.Fmincon:

What would be more appropriate, IMO, will be to have a function optimoptions of the following format
opts = function optimoptions(SolverName,varargin)

    obj = optim.options.SolverName(varargin)

    opts = struct(obj)


This function will
  1. Instantiate the relevant class and request for default options from the solver.
  2. Compare the user provided options to add relevant options.
  3. Display options of the current algorithm.
  4. The output can also be returned in the form of a struct to be compatible with optimget.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Week 8 and 9: The ordering of lambda in quadprog

I was trying to dig through to figure out why the ordering of lambda in [1] does not match that of quadprog in Matlab.
The example shows how the values were different:

C = [0.9501    0.7620    0.6153    0.4057
    0.2311    0.4564    0.7919    0.9354
    0.6068    0.0185    0.9218    0.9169
    0.4859    0.8214    0.7382    0.4102
    0.8912    0.4447    0.1762    0.8936];
d = [0.0578
A =[0.2027    0.2721    0.7467    0.4659
    0.1987    0.1988    0.4450    0.4186
    0.6037    0.0152    0.9318    0.8462];
b =[0.5251
Aeq = [3 5 7 9];
beq = 4;
lb = -0.1*ones(4,1);
ub = 1*ones(4,1);
H = C ' * C;

f = -C ' * d;

[x, obj_qp, INFO, lambda] = qp ([],H,f,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],A,b);
lambda = 

Reordering lambda based on the length of constraints resulted in
lambda.eqlin = 
lambda.lower =

lambda.upper =

lambda.ineqlin =

Matlab however,  gave lambda.eqlin= -0.0165 for this example and lambda.lower =

There were two issues with the ordering:
  1.  the sign for Lagrange multipliers corresponding to linear equality constraint is always different from Matlab's
  2. The multipliers corresponding to the bound constraints as underlined above are swapped.
I tried several different examples to understand what is going on. For all the examples, the sign for lambda.eqlin was consistently different. Although, I still can't pinpoint why but for now I am just multiplying lambda.eqlin by -1.

For the swapping issue, I tried the same example with just the bound constraints:

[x, obj_qp, INFO, lambda] = qp ([],H,f,[],[],lb,ub)

but only considering lower bound constraints gave:
[x, obj_qp, INFO, lambda] = qp ([],H,f,[],[],lb,[])

which is how it is supposed to be. Tracing back, I found out that the ordering of lambda vector in qp.m [2] is not [equality constraints; lower bounds; upper bounds; other inequality constraints] like I previously assumed. From lines 287 and 288 in qp.m [2], the bound constraints are added to the inequality constraint matrix alternatively. So the issue wasn't swapping but understanding how the constraints are passed to __qp__.

In my code in [1], I had to make significant changes in the original qp.m code such as:
- Inequality constraint matrix has the order: [Linear inequality constraints; lower bounds; upper bounds]
- Check for too close bounds forming an equality constraint- This brings indexing issues as now the Lagrange multiplier value corresponding to bounds is in place of multipliers corresponding to linear equality constraints.
Also, Matlab only accepts too close bounds when using a medium scale algorithm and since the lower bound is approximately equal to the upper bound and it is considered as a single equality constraint, the single Lagrange multiplier is placed in the corresponding lambda.upper field while the corresponding lambda.lower value is zero.

Continuing the above example:

lb(4) = 0.3;
ub = 0.3*ones(4,1);

[x, obj_qp, INFO, lambda] = qp ([],H,f,[],[],lb,ub)
lambda =


Here, lb(4) = ub(4) and hence the constraint is treated as an equality constraint so the value for corresponding Lagrange multipliers is present on top (underlined)
I added checks for such cases and now my code in [1] gives same results as Matlab:


lambda =
  scalar structure containing the fields:
    lower =
    upper =


- qp.m strips off the -Inf constraints before passing them to __qp__. I am doing the same in quadprog. I have added further checks to make sure the multipliers are placed in the right positions in their respective fields. 

Plans for the next weeks:
- Get feedback from my mentor on the changes in quadprog.
- Begin intial work on optimoptions.


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Week 7: quadprog wrapping __qp__

I have wrapped quadprog on __qp__ instead of qp.m in [1].

Main differences between quadprog in [1] and qp.m.

- Input argument placement
  quadprog(H, f, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0, options)  =  qp (x0, H, f, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, [], A, b, options) 

- Check for empty inputs A and b
qp ([],H,f,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],A,[])

This works. qp simply ignores inequality constraints due to if checks
in lines  258, 266 and 275 of qp.m. Matlab gives an error if A is empty and b is not and vice versa.

quadprog (H, f, A, [], Aeq, beq, lb, ub)
Error: The number of rows in A must be the same as the length of b. I have added this check in line 181 in [1].

- Lambda output as a structure instead of a vector as in qp.m.

Ordering of lambda:
  • The order of lambda vector output (qp_lambda) from __qp__(in my code) is [equality constraints; inequality constraints; lower bounds; upper bounds]. 
  • The multipliers are present if the constraints are given as inputs so the size of qp_lambda depends on the size of constraints. 
  • Variables idx_ineq, idx_lb and idx_ub make sure I pick the right values. 

H = diag([1; 0]);
f = [3; 4];
A = [-1 -3; 2 5; 3 4];
b = [-15; 100; 80];
l = zeros(2,1);
[x, obj, info, qp_lambda] = qp ([], H, f, [], [],l,[],[], A, b)
[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda] = quadprog (H, f, A, b,[],[],l,[])

qp_lambda =


lambda =
scalar structure containing the fields:

    lower =


    upper = [](0x0)
    eqlin = [](0x0)
    ineqlin =


Things to do:
  • Check the sign issue for lambda.eqlin (qp gives values -1* Matlab's)
  • Check if __qp__ changes the order of constraints. The values of lambda from qp.m in the last example in [2] are there but not coinciding with the respective constraints.
  • Move on to optimoptions.


Thursday, 2 July 2015

Week 5 and 6: Refining fmincon

So my fmincon implementation is coming in shape [1]. 

[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = 

I came across a few issues which turned out to be bugs. Olaf pushed fixes in the central repository. Listing the issues for the record:
Setting gradc (the gradient of general equality/inequality functions)A bug in nonlin_min.m (and __nonlin_residmin__.m)
      objective_function = @ (p) p(1)^2 + p(2)^2;
 pin = [-2; 5];
 constraint_function = @ (p) p(1)^2 + 1 - p(2);
 gradc = @(p) [2*p(1);-1];
 [p, objf, cvg, outp] = nonlin_min (objective_function, pin, optimset
("equc", {constraint_function, gradc}))

error: function handle type invalid as index value
- Giving linear inequality/ equality constraints to lm_feasible. A bug in nonlin_min.m
      f = @(x) -x(1) * x(2) * x(3);
S = [1  -1;   2  -2;   2  -2]
b = [0;72];
x0 = [10;10;10];
[x,fval] = nonlin_min( f, x0, optimset ("inequc",{S,b}) )
      error: __lm_feasible__: operator -: nonconformant arguments (op1 is
3x1, op2 is 3x0)
-Any zero value in initial guess vector for nonin_residmin/nonlin_min gave an error. Required a minor change of sign(0)==0 in __dfdp__.m.
      k = 1:10;
func = @(x) 2 + 2 * k - exp (k * x(1)) - exp (k * x(2));
x0 = [0;0.5];
x = nonlin_residmin(func,x0)

warning: division by zero
warning: called from
    __dfdp__ at line 367 column 21
    __nonlin_residmin__> at line -1 column -1
    __lm_svd__ at line 191 column 9
    __nonlin_residmin__ at line 1125 column 21
    nonlin_residmin at line 98 column 21
    runlsqnonlin at line 9 column 3
error: svd: cannot take SVD of matrix containing Inf or NaN values

Functionality for Returning Hessian and Gradient
New options "ret_objf_grad" and "ret_hessian" to be introduced in nonlin_min (by Olaf). If anyone of these options is set to true, the 'outp' structure output argument of nonlin_min will contain additional fields .objf_grad and .hessian. My code currently checks this. 

Rearranging values of lambda in the fields of a structure.
- For lm_feasible, outp will contain an additional field lambda, a structure which contains Lagrange multipliers in fields separated by constraint type.

I added an additional feature in [1] to cater for the non linear constraint function set using deal();
      c = @(x) [x(1) ^ 2 / 9 + x(2) ^ 2 / 4 - 1;
        x(1) ^ 2 - x(2) - 1];
ceq = @(x) tanh (x(1)) - x(2);
nonlinfcn = @(x) deal (c(x), ceq(x));
obj = @(x) cosh (x(1)) + sinh (x(2));
z = fmincon (obj, [0;0], [], [], [], [], [], [], nonlinfcn)

z =

To do:
1- Write test cases/refined examples for for lsqnonlin, lsqcurvefit, nlinfit and fmincon.
2- Start wrapping quadprog to __qp__ instead of qp.m (because of the ordering of the lambda output).

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Progress Update: Midterm Evaluation

Adding functions to the Optim package for Octave using existing back-ends.

Expected deliverables before midterm:
  • 'lsqnonlin' using 'nonlin_residmin'
Done in [1]. Differences in backends, nonlin_residmin uses "lm_svd" algorithm for optimization as currently the only backend. However, lsqnonlin in Matlab can choose between "trust-region-reflective" and "Levenberg-Marquardt" (LM) algorithms.
Another difference is in complex inputs. lm_svd does not support complex valued inputs whereas Matlab's LM algorithm can accept complex input arguments. One way of providing complex inputs to lsqnonlin in Octave is to split the real and imaginary parts into separate variables and running the optimization.  
  • 'lsqcurvefit' using 'nonlin_curvefit', 'nonlin_residmin', or 'lsqnonlin'
Done in [2] using nonlin_curvefit. lsqcurvefit is very similar to lsqnonlin with only a few minor interface differences. lsqcurvefit explicitly takes independent variables and the observations as inputs while these values can be wrapped inside the objective function while using lsqnonlin. Additional bounds for the optimized parameters can be specified. 
  • 'nlinfit' using 'leasqr',
I wrapped nlinfit on nonlin_curvefit and curvefit_stat as leasqr repeats the optimization to compute the additional statistics (Jacobian and Covariance matrix) while curvefit_stat saves this computation overhead. I have partially implemented nlinfit in [3] (It hasn't been thoroughly reviewed yet). Two missing features are: 1) Error models and Error parameters estimation, and 2) Robust Weight function. Meanwhile, no such functionality exists in the Octave's optimization backends for the missing features. My current implementation supports the input of scalar positive array of weights for robust regression.  
Since nlinfit is from the statistics toolbox of Matlab, it uses statset and statget to create and get options respectively. I created additional functions statset, statget and __all_stat_opts__ with minor changes to the code in optimset, optimget and __all_opts__.
  • 'fmincon' using 'nonlin_min',
In progress [4].

Future goals:
    1. Complete fmincon implementation.
    2. Create solver specific options using optimoptions and desirably still be able to use optimget. 
    3. Arranging lambda output for quadprog by wrapping it on __qp__ instead of qp.m
    4. Test cases for all the implemented functions.
