Thursday, 2 July 2015

Week 5 and 6: Refining fmincon

So my fmincon implementation is coming in shape [1]. 

[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = 

I came across a few issues which turned out to be bugs. Olaf pushed fixes in the central repository. Listing the issues for the record:
Setting gradc (the gradient of general equality/inequality functions)A bug in nonlin_min.m (and __nonlin_residmin__.m)
      objective_function = @ (p) p(1)^2 + p(2)^2;
 pin = [-2; 5];
 constraint_function = @ (p) p(1)^2 + 1 - p(2);
 gradc = @(p) [2*p(1);-1];
 [p, objf, cvg, outp] = nonlin_min (objective_function, pin, optimset
("equc", {constraint_function, gradc}))

error: function handle type invalid as index value
- Giving linear inequality/ equality constraints to lm_feasible. A bug in nonlin_min.m
      f = @(x) -x(1) * x(2) * x(3);
S = [1  -1;   2  -2;   2  -2]
b = [0;72];
x0 = [10;10;10];
[x,fval] = nonlin_min( f, x0, optimset ("inequc",{S,b}) )
      error: __lm_feasible__: operator -: nonconformant arguments (op1 is
3x1, op2 is 3x0)
-Any zero value in initial guess vector for nonin_residmin/nonlin_min gave an error. Required a minor change of sign(0)==0 in __dfdp__.m.
      k = 1:10;
func = @(x) 2 + 2 * k - exp (k * x(1)) - exp (k * x(2));
x0 = [0;0.5];
x = nonlin_residmin(func,x0)

warning: division by zero
warning: called from
    __dfdp__ at line 367 column 21
    __nonlin_residmin__> at line -1 column -1
    __lm_svd__ at line 191 column 9
    __nonlin_residmin__ at line 1125 column 21
    nonlin_residmin at line 98 column 21
    runlsqnonlin at line 9 column 3
error: svd: cannot take SVD of matrix containing Inf or NaN values

Functionality for Returning Hessian and Gradient
New options "ret_objf_grad" and "ret_hessian" to be introduced in nonlin_min (by Olaf). If anyone of these options is set to true, the 'outp' structure output argument of nonlin_min will contain additional fields .objf_grad and .hessian. My code currently checks this. 

Rearranging values of lambda in the fields of a structure.
- For lm_feasible, outp will contain an additional field lambda, a structure which contains Lagrange multipliers in fields separated by constraint type.

I added an additional feature in [1] to cater for the non linear constraint function set using deal();
      c = @(x) [x(1) ^ 2 / 9 + x(2) ^ 2 / 4 - 1;
        x(1) ^ 2 - x(2) - 1];
ceq = @(x) tanh (x(1)) - x(2);
nonlinfcn = @(x) deal (c(x), ceq(x));
obj = @(x) cosh (x(1)) + sinh (x(2));
z = fmincon (obj, [0;0], [], [], [], [], [], [], nonlinfcn)

z =

To do:
1- Write test cases/refined examples for for lsqnonlin, lsqcurvefit, nlinfit and fmincon.
2- Start wrapping quadprog to __qp__ instead of qp.m (because of the ordering of the lambda output).

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