A bit late blogging about week 2.
Almost completed functions lsqnonlin and lsqcurvefit.
Successfully mapped user-specified Jacobian.
In Matlab, if the Jacobian option is set to "on", the model function must return
a second output which is the Jacobian function.
In Octave, the Jacobian function handle is given to the dfdp option using optimset.
Lsqnonlin function description:
[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] = ...
This function maps on:
[x, residual, exitflag, output] = nonlin_residmin (fun, x0, options)
Features of lsqnonlin in Octave:
Lsqcurvefit function description:
[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] = ...
This function maps on
[x, fy, exitflag, output] = nonlin_curvefit (fun, x0, xdata, ydata, options)
Features of lsqcurvefit in Octave:
This week's plan:
Almost completed functions lsqnonlin and lsqcurvefit.
Successfully mapped user-specified Jacobian.
In Matlab, if the Jacobian option is set to "on", the model function must return
a second output which is the Jacobian function.
In Octave, the Jacobian function handle is given to the dfdp option using optimset.
Lsqnonlin function description:
[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] = ...
This function maps on:
[x, residual, exitflag, output] = nonlin_residmin (fun, x0, options)
Features of lsqnonlin in Octave:
- Input arguments: Acceptable forms are lsqnonlin(fun,x0), lsqnonlin(fun,x0,lb,ub) and lsqnonlin(fun,x0,lb,ub,options)
- Outputs
- x, exitflag, residual and output currently same as nonlin_residmin.
- resnorm=sum(residual.^2)
- Lambda is computed using the complementary pivoting in __lm_svd__.
It's values differ from Matlab's due to the difference in backends. - Jacobian is computed using the function residmin_stat ().
Lsqcurvefit function description:
[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] = ...
[x, fy, exitflag, output] = nonlin_curvefit (fun, x0, xdata, ydata, options)
Features of lsqcurvefit in Octave:
- Input arguments: Acceptable forms are lsqcurvefit (fun,x0,xdata,ydata), lsqcurvefit (fun,x0,xdata,ydata,lb,ub) and lsqcurvefit (fun,x0,lb,ub,xdata,ydata,options)
- Outputs
- x, exitflag, residual and output currently same as nonlin_curvefit.
- residual = fy-ydata, resnorm = sum(residual.^2)
- Lambda and Jacobian same as in lsqnonlin.
This week's plan:
- Hopefully, with lsqnonlin and lsqcurvefit wrapped up, I'll move on to nlinfit
- Three key challenges need to be addressed when wrapping nlinfit using nonlin_curvefit
and curvefit_stat: - Weight functions: Currently, no such functionality exists in nonlin_curvefit,
where a user can specify weight functions to perform Robust regression
(weights computed using the specified function in every iteration). - Error Models and ErrorModelInfo
- Setting options using statset instead of optimset or optimoptions.
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